
Monday, September 3, 2012

Coffee At College

With the students back in college, some are probably beginning to realize that it can get a bit pricey to purchase coffee from a coffee house each day. So what are some options for the thrifty student who loves their coffee?

If you consider that purchasing just 1 coffee a day 5 days a week can run from a little over $20 a month to as much as or more than $100 a month (depending on where and what type of coffee is purchased) You can easily justify purchasing a coffee maker, so long as it is taken care of it will surpass the time limit it needs to pay for itself.

Most people will go the route of purchasing a small drip coffee maker, just big enough for one, or a single serve coffee maker. But what about those who are used to a different tasting coffee? There is always the coffee press, but in a dorm room, you need a way to heat up water. In this case, you will want to look into an electric kettle, so that the option of having heated water to use with your french press is available.

Be sure to take care of your coffee appliances, and feel free to create your own unique coffee recipes to find the perfect coffee for you.

Need ideas for coffee recipes, want more info on coffee makers? Visit some of our previous blogs:

Coffee Recipes

How to use a Melitta One Cup Coffee Maker
How to Use a Reusable Coffee Filter with Keurig
How to Brew Great Coffee In a Drip Coffee Maker

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